I’ve always been passionate about bringing stories alive through my painting and animation. Imaginary ones or real life stories; Fairy tales or the voices of poets and writers.
The visions of a child, the demons of a man and the dreams of a woman.
These are, among others, the protagonists of the films that I’ve had the pleasure to work on and created art for, in the past decade.
My artistic drive is the need of keep pushing the boundaries of what I can do with Animation in cinema, exploring the endless possibilities of its expressive and emotional language.
I think there’s a thin but evident line that runs throughout my work, as in each film I look for the core of its emotional journey, inspired from movement or sound I make visible what I feel are the peculiar human qualities of that story.
This is what makes me experiment with new techniques and structures on every project, so that each one takes me a step forward in this beautiful challenge.